Final Event
Final Competition and Awards Ceremony
The Out-of-State Competition will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024. The In-State Competition will be Wednesday, December 11, 2024.
- The top scoring eight (8) written idea entries from each competition will be chosen for the final competition.
- Each finalist team will give a verbal presentation.
- Prizes will be awarded to the finalists based on their presentations scores at the virtual event or the final event.
- Entries that score within 10% of the finalists will be designated as Honorable Mention.
- Of all the Wellness entries submitted, one winner is chosen overall and recognized at the Awards Ceremony.
- Of all the Agriculture Innovation* entries submitted, one winner is chosen overall and recognized at the Awards Ceremony.
- Of all the Hometown Business* entries submitted, one winner is chosen overall and recognized at the Awards Ceremony.
- Of all the Makers Award* entries submitted, one winner is chosen overall and recognized at the Awards Ceremony.
- * Only South Dakota Students are eligible for these Awards.
Out-of-State Final Competition
- A final event orientation meeting will be held one week prior to the competition.
- The Out-of-State Competition will be a virtual competition held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.
- Finalists will present their business ideas to judges live over Zoom.
- Finalists’ elevator pitches will be shown at the Awards Ceremony on December 11th when the winners will be announced.
In-State Final Competition
- A final event orientation meeting will be held one week prior to the competition.
- The In-State Competition will be held on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 in the Johnson Fine Arts Center located at Northern State University in Aberdeen.
- Each finalists team will be paired with a mentor.
- Each finalist team will give a verbal presentation to a panel of judges.
- Finalists will have the opportunity to participate in an interview with local media.
- Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony.
Awards Ceremony
- All students who participated in the general competition can attend.
- Morning activities include events such as Honorable Mention Pitches, University and Activity Booths, and a Campus Tour.
- After lunch, presentation will be given from business owner(s) who will share their entrepreneurship experience.
- Finalists and category winners will give a short description of their business idea.
- Winners announced for all prize categories.
Download the Final Competition Agenda (PDF)
Media may be present during the final event to capture interviews, pictures or videos.
Elevator pitches and presentations from previous years’ finalists can be seen on the Previous Winners page or on the BIG Idea SD YouTube channel.