
Judging for the BIG Idea Competition

The judging takes place in early November each year and can be done completely online. In most cases, the judging takes about 2 hours time and does not have to be done all at once. Once a judging account has been created, judges are assigned entries to score through the judging website. The judges are provided with a scoresheet to complete online with each entry. See the scoresheet below. To be a judge, just email your interest to kelly@growsd.org and you will be notified when your account has been created.

Judge Login- https://judging.bigideasd.com/

Judging the Submitted Idea

During the judging period, judges will use the login above to access their Judging Dashboard to score each entry and provide constructive comments. Comments are a critical learning opportunity for students.  They will only see their total score and the comments offered.  There is a maximum of 500 points that will be awarded in the first round.

Every BIG Idea submission will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Concept Overview (50 points)
  • Product or Service (100 points)
  • Market Opportunity (100 points)
  • Competition (100 points)
  • Management and Operation (100 points)
  • Quality of Written Communication (50 points)

Each entry is rated by 3 different judges and those scores will be averaged to determine the final Round 1 score.

The eight top scoring ideas will be finalists who advance to the final competition. Those entries that score within 10 % of the finalists’ scores will be designated as Honorable Mention.

Round 1 Scoresheet (PDF)