We have had a wonderful start to the 2018 Competition! We love to share and recognize schools and students that join the competition. Below is activity summary and a listing of all of the schools that we have students competing in so far!
Students: 125 Projects: 43 Projects Submitted: 8 Marketing Designs: 3 Active Advisors: 14
Schools: 22
Aberdeen Central, Colman-Egan, Colome, Custer, Edmunds Central, Elk Point Jefferson, Florence, Groton, Henry, Lead-Deadwood, Lemmon, Leola, Madison, Mitchell, Montrose, Northwestern, Sioux Falls Roosevelt, Spearfish, Watertown, Waverly/South Shore, Wessignton Springs, West Central, and Yankton
We cannot wait to see what everyone’s business idea is! We have some eager judges awaiting to see all of the entries!