The 2024 BIG Idea Competition marked a milestone with new opportunities for high school students.  A total of 283 entries were received involving 377 students from 66 schools. For a second year in a row, a separate virtual competition was held for finalists outside of South Dakota. These were judged by a separate judging panel and separate prizes awarded. The 2024 event wrapped up Wednesday, December 11, at Northern State University (NSU) with the Awards Ceremony.  Winners from both competitions were announced along with five special category awards. Over $50,000 in cash and scholarships was awarded. The livestream link for the event can be found on the BIG Idea facebook page (@BIGIdeaSD).


IN-STATE Competition


Back row: Greyson Forster, Homeschool; Matthew Cypher, Tri-Valley; Gage Kaiser, Bowdle; Jonathan Butler, Leola; Ethan Koopman, Tri-Valley ; and Ashley Haven, Northwestern

Front row: Owen Hoeft, Aberdeen Central; Kelsey Lehr, Edmunds Central; Mallory Bellikka, Addyson Stiehl, Kyra Heupel, Aberdeen Central; Samantha Geffre, Leola

First Place

Resto Rides

Greyson Forster of Howard took first place in the South Dakota competition with Resto Rides, a primarily ecommerce-based existing business that sells new, used, and new-old-stock (NOS) powersports parts, accessories, and vehicles.  His prize includes a $1,000 cash prize and $2,500 scholarships to each NSU, Dakota State University (DSU) and University of South Dakota (USD).

Greyson Forster from Howard (Hannah Walters, advisor)

Second Place

Cab Shine Solutions

Second place went to Cab Shine Solutions by Ashley Haven from Northwestern High School, for her idea of providing farmers and ranchers with a detailing service for the cabs of their equipment to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for operators. Second place prizes include $500 cash, and $2,000 scholarships to each NSU, DSU and USD.

Ashley Haven from Northwestern High School (Anne Frericks, advisor)

Third Place

The Grass Whisperer

Third place was awarded to The Grass Whisperer by Edmunds Central High School student Kelsey Lehr. The Grass Whisperer will provide mowing, with the option of bagging, and precise trimming so residents in her small town can have reliable, high-quality care to maintain a beautiful lawn.  Third place prizes include $250 cash, $1,500 scholarships to each NSU, DSU and USD

Kelsey Lehr of  Edmunds Central High School (Chad Richardt, advisor)

Other Finalists

E-Z Holds
Matthew Cypher of Tri-Valley High School (Tracy Vogt, advisor)

Butler Mechanics
Jonathan Butler of Leola High School (Trevor Van Tilburg, advisor)

Twine Guard
Gage Kaiser of Bowdle High School (Jackie Kessler, advisor)

Cuddle Cup Cafe
Samantha Geffre of  Leola High School (Trevor Van Tilburg, advisor)
Bright Horizons
Kyra Heupel, Addyson Stiehl, Mallory Bellikka of Aberdeen Central High School (Alexander Bellefeuille, advisor)


OUT-OF-STATE Competition


Top row: (from left to right) Syon Aggarwal, Johnston High School (IA); Siona (Dolly) Pramoda, Manav Pulluru, Baldwin School of Puerto Rico, Out of Door Academy (FL); Shawn Choi, Jeremiah Park, and Ethan Kim, Ruben S. Ayala High School (CA); Morgan Walia-Peters, Hoboken High School (NJ); Rahee Yoo, Sunny Hills High School (CA)

Bottom row: (from left to right) Riddi Singhvi, Coolsjas Singhvi, Stillwater Area High School (MN); Jaylyn Chong, Om Loomba, Valley Christian HS (CA); Rushi Patel, Nipun Kodeboyena, Westford Academy (MA)

First Place

Taking first place in the Out-of-State Competition is DIAL(Diagnostic Image Analysis of Lungs)  by Syon Aggarwal of Johnston High School in Iowa. My business idea is utilizing a deep learning AI model implemented into an app which lets researchers input a microscopic lung image to diagnose Acute Lung Injury (ALI). DIAL then calculates and returns the diagnosis and confidence level.
Syon Aggarwal of Johnston High School (IA)

Second Place

The second place winner was Know.Period, by Siona (Dolly) Pramoda and Manav Pulluru from Baldwin School of Puerto Rico and Out of Door Academy in Florida.  Breast cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death from cancer among women, and fewer than one in three women will get a clinical breast exam this year. We made a smart sanitary napkin to engage with menstrual blood and find biomarkers of danger – in private, with agency, and on demand!
Siona (Dolly) Praoda and Manav Pulluru of Baldwin School of Puerto Rico and Out of Door Academy (FL)

Third Place

Involvium was the third place winner and presented by Shawn Choi, Jeremiah Park, and Ethan Kim from Ruben S. Ayala High School in California. Involvium is a revolutionary social network that connects high school students to local extra curriculars and volunteer opportunities, making it easy to find events, track hours, and build a digital portfolio.
Shawn Choi, Jeremiah Park, and Ethan Kim of Ruben S. Ayala High School (CA)

Other Finalists

Morgan Walia-Peters of Hoboken High School (NJ)

Beat by Beat: Real-Time Virtual Blood Sugar Monitoring
Riddi Singhvi, Coolsjes Singhvi of Stillwater Area High School (MN)

Jaylyn Chong, Om Loomba of Valley Christian High School (CA)
Rushi Patel, Nipun Kodeboyena of Westford Academy (MA)
Bright Box
Rahee Yoo of Sunny Hills High School (CA)

2024 Finalists and Honorable Mentions (PDF)

Elevator Pitch Video Winner

(sponsored by Dakota Plains Commercial Real Estate)


Morgan Walia-Peters of Hoboken High School (NJ)


Live Elevator Pitch Video Winner

(sponsored by Dakota Plains Commercial Real Estate)

The Grass Whisperer

Kelsey Lehr of Edmunds Central High School (SD)

Wellness Winner

(sponsored by Independent Health Solutions)

Morgan Walia-Peters of Hoboken High School (NJ)

Agriculture Innovation Winner

(sponsored by the South Dakota Agriculture Foundation)


Prairie Protection LLC
Ethan Koopman of Tri-Valley High School

Hometown Business Winner

(sponsored by the South Dakota Retailers Association)

Bright Horizons
Kyra Heupel, Addyson Stiehl, Mallory Bellikka of Aberdeen Central High School (Alexander Bellefeuille, advisor)

Makers Winner

(sponsored by Katie and James Washnok from Blackout Industries)

Easy Tool
Owen Hoeft of Aberdeen Central High School (Alexander Bellefeuille, advisor)

Partners in Business Awards

(sponsored by Angelhaus)

This year’s recipients of the Partners in Business award presented by Nathan Gellhaus of Angelhaus (right) are Chad Richardt at Edmunds Central High School (center) and Tracy Vogt at Tri-Valley High School (left).

BIG Idea 2024 Competition Awards Presentation:

Thank you to our 2024 Keynote Speaker, Erik Muckey!

Eric Muckey, Lost and Found CEO

Special Thanks

A Special Thanks to the teachers who encouraged their students’ participation and the students themselves for putting in the hard work to make it a fun, competitive competition.

Thanks to the committee members and community leaders who participated as judges, panelists, and supporters.

Also a special thanks to all of our sponsors: East River Electric, REED Fund, Dacotah Bank, First Bank & Trust, Angelhaus, Aberdeen Development Corporation, Northwestern Energy, McQuillen Creative Group, The Tom and Danielle Aman Foundation, Midcontinent Communications, GROW South Dakota, the South Dakota Agriculture Foundation, 3M, Missouri River Energy Services, Agtegra, South Dakota Retailers Association, Independent Health Solutions, Blackout Industries, Plains Commerce, and Dakota Plains Commercial Real Estate.

The next competition will open again on September 1, 2025.