The 2022 BIG Idea Competition marked a milestone with new opportunities for high school students. A total of 277 entries were received involving over 357 students from 54 schools. For the first time in competition history, a separate virtual competition was held for finalists outside of South Dakota. These were judged by a separate judging panel and separate prizes awarded. The BIG Idea Committee would like to congratulate this year’s winners who received over $54,000 in cash and scholarships.
IN-STATE Competition

Back row: (From left to right) Garrett Crawford, Aberdeen Roncalli; Chayse Shoemaker, Webster; Emily Tuschen, McCook Central; Alyx Hoffman, Leola; Kamryn Anderson, Kiah Koch and Kendyl Anderson, Warner (Wellness Winner)
Front row: (From left to right) Beau Price, Aberdeen Roncalli (Marketing Design Winner); Pack Forster, Howard (2nd Place Winner); Cole Bisbee, Groton (3rd Place and Ag Innovation Winner); Noah Felderman, Doland (1st Place Winner)
Not Pictured: Blaize Larson, Webster (Hometown Business Winner)
First Place
- Feldy’s Ice Cream
Feldy’s Ice Cream is a mobile ice cream shop in a converted school bus serving South Dakota State University (SDSU) ice cream and other fun summer treats! Feldy’s Ice Cream has been operation for a couple years now. - Noah Felderman of Doland High School (Bailey Coats, advisor)
Second Place
- Free Bird RC
FreeBird RC utilizes 3D printing technology to provide printing and rapid prototyping services to remote control (RC) vehicle hobbyists and businesses alike. - Pack Forster of Howard
Third Place
- Punch Out Tool Company
Punch Out Tool Company, designed Punch Out, a spring-loaded, hand-held punch specifically designed for working on haybines. The Punch Out is best suited for punching out broken sickle teeth on haybines, where it is hard to fit a hammer. It can be used around the farm and at home too. - Cole Bisbee of Groton High School (Adam Franken, advisor)
Other Finalists
- VaCay Check-In
VaCay Check-In is a house sitting service for doing chores and watching pets while you are on vacation.
Emily Tuschen of McCook High School (Stephanie Kelley, advisor)
- Native Cleaners
Native Cleaners is a native seed cleaner that will efficiently remove seeds from any chaff or debris that the seed is contained in on the plant.
Chayse Shoemaker of Webster High School (Kaylan Pool, advisor)
- Sleek Steel Buildings LLC
Sleek Steel Buildings LLC builds steel buildings, pole barns, and barndominiums for those in agriculture or who need ample storage space.
Garrett Crawford of Aberdeen Roncalli High School (Donna Herrick, advisor)
- Countryside Living
Countryside Living is an assisted living facility for retired farmers and farmwives who would rather stay in the country than move to a facility in town.
Kamryn Anderson, Kendyl Anderson, and Kiah Koch of Webster High School (Pam Lane, advisor)
- 2 Doors
2 Doors is a florist business created to cater to the needs of not only simple bouquet orders, but to the outdoor greenery care of the high-end attractions.
Alyx Hoffman of Leola High School (Trevor Van Tilburg, advisor)
OUT-OF-STATE Competition
Top row: Top row: Stefan Neuber, Windsor HS in California (1st Place Winner); Samuel Fan & Steven Xu, Valley Christian HS in California (2nd Place Winner); Arush Sharma & Tanush Garg, Ashland HS in Massachusetts (3rd Place Winner)
Bottom row: Bottom row: Thrisha Gogineni, Dwight Global School (NY); Gesaria Motwani, Homeschool (FL); Kimberley Dunn, Homeschool (GA), Aishani Bal, Denmark HS (GA), Puraav Karnavat, Lambert HS (GA)
First Place
- MatheX
MatheX is an app that helps elementary school students practice basic mathematical concepts optimally. Stefan Neuber, a foreign exchange student, is currently operating this business and it’s available for download in the app store! - Stefan Neuber of Windsor High School (CA)
Second Place
- KindKibble
KindKibble targets the overpopulation of invasive animal and plant species to produce nutritious pet food products for dogs and cats, as well as animal feed for livestock. - Samuel Fan and Steven Xu of Valley Christian High School (CA)
Third Place
- CulturalMunch
CulturalMunch offers a wide variety of subscription boxes filled with authentic snacks, jewelry and trinkets. - Arush Sharma and Tanush Garg of Ashland High School (MA)
Other Finalists
- Opportunities for Girls
Opportunity for Girls helps high school girls find internships and research opportunities so they can improve their chances of going to college and having a good career.
Thrisha Gogineni of Dwight Global School (NY)
Freshly Filtered
- Freshly Filtered would patent and manufacture a filtering device to remove micro plastics from our water.
Gesaria Motwani of Florida
- The Admont Library
The Admont Library is a current online antiquarian bookstore that publishes the Admont Abbey Magazine and seeks to establish an online archive to provide an enhanced reading experience.
Kimberley Dunn of Georgia
SCHOOLPOOL APP is an app dedicated to setting up, searching, and managing private carpools to school and other activities practically and effectively.
Aishani Bal of Denmark High School (GA)
- Suwanee Distributions
Suwanee Distributions works with entrepreneurs to package their products and ship it locally for a set price based on the number of shipments and a set period of time.
Puraav Karnavat of Lambert High School (GA)
Download the 2022 Finalists and Honorable Mentions (PDF)
BIG Idea 2022 Competition Awards Presentation:
Marketing Design Winner
(sponsored by McQuillen Creative Group)
- Freeze Dried Fun
Beau Price of Aberdeen Roncalli High School (pictured below with Marketing Design)
Wellness Winner
(sponsored by Sanford Health)
- Countryside Living
- Kendyl Anderson, Kamryn Anderson, and Kiah Koch of Warner High School (pictured below)
Agriculture Innovation Winner
(sponsored by the South Dakota Agriculture Foundation)
- Punch Out Tool Co.
Cole Bisbee of Groton High School (pictured below)

Hometown Business Winner
(sponsored by the South Dakota Retailers Association)
- Staging and Designing Success
Blaize Larson of Webster High School (pictured below)
- Staging and Designing Success
Partners in Business Award
(sponsored by Angelhaus)
- Donna Herrick, Aberdeen Roncalli High School
- Kaylan Pool, Webster High School
- Brandt Munsen, Aberdeen Central High School
(Not Pictured)
Thank you to our 2022 Business Panelists!
SportScene – David Vilhauer | Kusler Klinics – Brianna Kusler | Climate Control – Cam Schock
Special Thanks
A Special Thanks to the teachers who encouraged their students’ participation and the students themselves for putting in the hard work to make it a fun, competitive competition.
Thanks to the committee members and community leaders who participated as judges, panelists and supporters.
Also a special thanks to all of our sponsors: Small Business Development Center, Sanford Health, East River Electric, REED Fund, Dacotah Bank, McQuillen Creative Group, Northern State University, Presentation College, South Dakota Schools of Mines & Technology, First Bank & Trust, Angelhaus, Northwestern Energy, Agtegra, South Dakota Retailers Association, Missouri River Energy Services, Independent Health Solutions, Blackout Industries, Aberdeen Development Corporation, the Tom & Danielle Aman Foundation, Midco, GROW South Dakota, the South Dakota Agriculture Foundation, and 3M.
The next competition will open again on September 1, 2023.