Crazy to think how fast August went by, but here at BIG Idea that means the 2018 BIG Idea Competition is right around the corner. Literally, TOMORROW, Sept. 1. We hope that you are as excited as we are about this year’s competition. We just want to remind you of a few things as you begin submitting your entry!
Step 1. Make sure you understand the rules and guidelines of the competition. Rules and Guidelines can be found under the Rules Tab.
Step 2. Once you understand the rules of the competition you will need to create your unique student login in.
Step 3. You will need to enter all student profile information before continuing to the actual entry form.
Step 4. MAKE A BUSINESS NAME. Be creative! Also, do not forget to add any additional team members.
Step 5. If you are entering into any of our special category awards please select so. Additional information about separate category prizes can be found on the Prizes Tab.
Step 6. Select an Industry that your business idea fits into. See Industry Classifications
Step 7. Complete your BIG Idea Entry Form!
Step 8. Do not forget about the optional award for creating a marketing design for your business. See Marketing Design Guidelines.
Step 10. Final Step…Complete BIG Idea Survey!
We wish every student the best of luck in this year’s BIG Idea Competition. If you have any questions throughout the competition please Contact Us!